Premium Brand

Le Temps

The French Swiss medium Le Temps stands for quality journalism and liberal values and reports in-depth on national and international events.

User Metrics

Unique Visitors (monthly)
Visits (monthly)
Page Impressions (monthly)

Ad Formats

Native Performance

Target Groups

Do you want more than one brand? Our target groups allow you to address specific target groups according to the topics they are interested in. can be booked as part of our premium news and individual targeting target groups. We understand that your advertisements can only achieve their full potential if you reach your target groups.



RoS / CPMCost per Day | Startseite
Branding Page (Multi Device)RoS / CPMCHF 120Cost per Day | StartseiteCHF 3'800


RoS / CPMHome & Standardpools / CPMBusiness Pool / CPM
Halfpage (Multi Device)RoS / CPMCHF 70Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 80Business Pool / CPMCHF 90
Article Scroller (Multi Device)RoS / CPMCHF 70Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 80Business Pool / CPMCHF 90
Wideboard (Desktop)RoS / CPMCHF 60Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 70Business Pool / CPMCHF 80
Double Wideboard (Desktop)RoS / CPMCHF 70Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 80Business Pool / CPMCHF 90
Sitebar (Desktop)RoS / CPMCHF 90Home & Standardpools / CPMCH 100Business Pool / CPMCHF 110
Halfpage (Desktop)RoS / CPMCHF 80Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 90Business Pool / CPMCHF 100
Ricchi (Mobile)RoS / CPMCHF 70Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 80Business Pool / CPMCHF 90
Rectangle (Mobile)RoS / CPMCHF 50Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 60Business Pool / CPMCHF 70


RoS / CPMHome & Standardpools / CPMBusiness Pool / CPM
Instream (Multi Device)RoS / CPMCHF 90Home & Standardpools / CPM-Business Pool / CPM-
Outstream (Multi Device)RoS / CPMCHF 60Home & Standardpools / CPMCHF 70Business Pool / CPMCHF 80


Sponsored Content (Multi Device) ab CHF 13'500
Promoted Content (Multi Device)180'000 Indikative Impressions ROS auf den Teaser | Laufzeit: 1 Wochenet/net CHF 2'500

Native Performance

Native ads are image/text ads embedded in editorial content that dynamically adapt to the environment of the website on which they are displayed. Whether you want to advertise your online store or promote your blog posts, you can generate attention and traffic with native ads in our Yaleo network. Billing is calculated easily based on the number of clicks generated (CPC).

Native | Performance Formats

Le Temps Newsletter

Subscribers per shipmentTop-Ad PlacementPrice1. PlacementPrice2. PlacementPrice
Le briefing (Mo-Sa)Subscribers per shipment31'000Top-Ad PlacementPicture-AdPriceCHF 4'0001. PlacementNative-Ad or Picture-AdPriceCHF 4'0002. PlacementNative-Ad or Picture-AdPriceCHF 4'000
Le point éco (Mo-Fr)Subscribers per shipment21'000Top-Ad PlacementPicture-AdPriceCHF 2'5001. PlacementNative-Ad or Picture-AdPriceCHF 2'5002. PlacementNative-Ad or Picture-AdPriceCHF 2'500